To Start Implementing RIGHT NOW to see results

I like to keep the tips I give really simple. Because the simpler they are, the easier for you to apply them.

So here is 3 tips to help your fat loss RIGHT NOW:

  • Stop drinking so many calories. If you want to get hammered but your on a diet, is a bottle of wine @ 700 calories the wisest move? or would a gin & slim at 60-70 calories a class be better?

    What about your daily coffee intake? Assuming you are basic like me and like a cappuccino, they are around 90-100 calories a pop. Now imagine you are having 4- around  ¼ of your daily calories are coming from coffee alone

Doing both of these? Maybe it's time to work this out on a daily and weekly basis to see how you can save. Saving 50% of your calories from these 2 things could be the difference between losing and not...

  • Snacking isn't bad. But what you snack on probably is.
    The reason you are snacking probably falls into 1 of 5 categories- you are hungry, you are bored, its a habit, you have a craving, you are thirsty.

    Most people blame their cravings and snack on crisps and chocolate 2-5 x per day.

    When actually its likely one of the other 4. (90% of the time)

    Your Dairy milk share bar isn't going to fill you up. Isn't going to cure your boredom, is a habit you need to break, and isn't going to hydrate you.
    It will settle your craving for dairy milk. But so would a smaller bar, or 2-3 hero's sized chocolates.

    So think like this:
    AM I

    Hungry? Eat something filling
    Thirsy? Dink a pint of water
    Bored? Try to do something else to occupy your mind like clean, or read
    Habit? Stop buying in that share bar (get a smaller one) and do the 3 things above first before you have any
    Craving? Read above. 

  • And Finally, stop expecting to be/ trying to be perfect.

    I want to scream this from the rooftops especially to you perfectionists.

    50% better is still better.

    You don't have to be perfect to see results, you have to be consistent.

    1 bad day doesn’t mean you have f**ked it so stop giving up because of one.

    You are the average of what you do consistently. keep that in mind when you aren't perfect and instead think, how can I turn this around?

    Quitting never solved anything

As a coach of 8 years I can tell you with 100% certainty that if you fix these 3 areas you WILL see results. will it be easy? NO

Does it sound too simple? YES

But it is the fact it's so simple that you have overlooked it. You are to busy searching for the perfect diet plan. The best exercise for fat loss. Or the easy way out.

If you've been struggling on your fat loss journey and know you need help from a coach to be honest with you, call you out and hold you accountable every step of the way to guarantee you change?

Then tap the button below and lets chat


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